Monday, February 25, 2008

Henry Meets Jack

The handsome young man standing at the edge of the lawn looked vaguely familiar but Jack couldn't place him.

"Can I help you?" he asked. Rebecca was down for her nap and Jane, Allegra and Julia were at work.

"Um, yeah, are you Jack Sawyer?"


"I'm Henry du Maurier. Ivan's half brother. I'm worried about him, and he always talks about you so I thought ... "

"What's up?"

"He's drinking. A lot. Dad's ... Dad's death hit him pretty hard. And then his girlfriend dumped him, and well, he's ... not well."

"I see."

"I thought maybe you could talk to him, you know, since he thinks so much of you. He won't listen to us."


"His friends. I just graduated, and my sister says his problem's just getting worse."

"Thanks for letting me know, Henry. I'm not sure there's anything I can do, but I'll try. Speaking from experience, the bottle can be pretty seductive."

"Thanks." Henry seemed relieved. "Thanks a lot, Jack."

"Sure, kid." Jack gave him a hug goodbye. "I'll do my best."

Living Arrangements

Due to dwindling funds, the Porta de Luca university council decided to stop awarding a stipend upon graduation. Graduates could take any money with them that they earned from grades or other sources, but that was all they received.

As a result, more and more graduates moved back home to live with their parents. Tim Raymond and Meadow Thayer dropped out, moved in with his folks, got married and promptly became pregnant. Their daughter Jenny was born nine months to the day after they left school.

Henry and Sam moved in with her parents and her Uncle George, and Jaden moved back to the Thibadeux homestead, where Tristan planned to join her once he graduated.

As for Wyatt, Ezra and Riley, they were forced to move in with their Uncle Antonio.

"I thought you said they'd have their own house," Solange said through gritted teeth.

"That's what I'd planned on, but they have no money at all, Solange. If I give them a house now I'll have to pay for every little thing that goes into it. If we wait they can buy their own *** toothpaste."

Solange rolled her eyes. "They're a nuisance. Riley with his stupid robot project, and Wyatt, ugh. I'd rather talk to Tiffany. Ezra's OK, I guess, but still, it's like babysitting."

"Patience, patience. They'll be gone soon. In the meantime, just think of it as extra income."

"If they ever find jobs," Solange said. "Ezra's the only one who has, so far."

"Well, he always was the best of the lot," Antonio said. "Graduated in half the time it takes everyone else. Boy's got a good head on his shoulders. I just might have to make him my heir."

"Your heir?"

"Unless of course you'd like to provide me with one."

"Ugh, no. I hate babies."

"That's what I thought."

Another Proposal

"So," Henry said, sitting down next to Sam.

"So," she said.

"Tomorrow's graduation."


"You excited?"

She shrugged.

"Sam, I've been doing a lot of thinking," he said.


"Yeah. I've been trying to find the perfect time to ask you this, but things always seem to get in the way."

"Ask me what?"

"How would you feel about spending the rest of your life with me?"

She didn't answer at first.


She turned to him, eyes full of tears. "I thought you'd never ask."

He touched her face with his hand and she threw her arms around his neck.

True Love

Zane was in love. Elena Miguel was everything he'd ever wanted in a girlfriend. She was funny, she was fun, she was smart, she was pretty ... he wanted to write poetry about her.

He walked to her dorm, whistling, for their date, and she met him outside. It was early evening.

"Hey," he said, and went to take her in his arms.

She backed away. "Zane, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"I can't see you anymore."

Zane felt like she'd just punched him in the stomach. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I can't see you anymore. I'm engaged to be married."

"You're ... WHAT? Since when? To whom? Does he know about me?"

"You and I were just for fun," she said. "Victor's for keeps."

"Victor ... you dumped me for Victor PLATZ?" This was too much. Victor Platz was a spoiled nasty rich boy who thought he was Warren Beatty. Unfortunately for him, he resembled Gomer Pyle.

"Keep your voice down," she hissed.

"I bloody well will not," he said.

"Please, Zane, try to understand. Victor and I are in love."

"You mean you're in love with his money," Zane said, bitterly. "You hear that, Victor?" he yelled. "You're nothing without your stinking money!!"

"Well, please, Zane. What kind of a future did you and I have? Your parents are hippies, for crying out loud."

"You leave my parents out of this," Zane said, getting up in her face. "They're too good for the likes of you. Come to think of it, so am I."

He turned and stalked off into the night. He felt like an idiot.

So much for true love.

Coffee and Sympathy

Ivan woke up with a pounding headache. Someone was tapping lightly on his door but the sound echoed in his head like a woodpecker. "Go away," he groaned, and covered his head with the pillow.

The door opened. He peeked out and saw a slender bare foot and the bottom of a skirt.

"I thought you might be hungry," Isadora said.

Ivan sat up slowly. "Not really."

"Ivan, you haven't eaten in two days," she said.

"I just hate to drink on a full stomach," he said, rubbing his hands over his face. "What time is it?"

"It's three o'clock. I know you have class in an hour or so so I thought I should wake you up. At least have some coffee." She handed him a cup.

"Coffee, I like." He took it and sipped at it gratefully. "Thank you."

She stood there, looking awkward.

"What," he said.

"If you need someone to talk to ... "

"Look, Iz, thanks for the coffee," he said, "but I don't need taking care of. I'm fine."

"You don't have to be fine," she said. "You've been through a lot lately."

"I'm fine," he said.

She nodded. "OK. Sorry to bother you." She turned to go.

"Thank you," he said.

She turned to look at him.

"It's ... nice to know someone cares."

She smiled and the room lit up a notch. "You're welcome."

She shut the door behind her.


"Are you two ever gonna speak to each other again?" Sarah asked, flopping down on Ella's bed.

"When Jake admits he's wrong, maybe."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "So, that's a no. You know he's way too stubborn for that."

"Jake insulted the man I love. What was I supposed to do?"

"Tell him it was none of his business? Punch him in the nose?"

Ella sighed. "Maybe. I don't know."

"Don't you miss him? You two were always so close."

"Yeah, I do, a lot."

"So go talk to him, dummy. You're never going to make things right with the silent treatment."

"You're right," Ella said. "Hey, Sar, you are being careful, aren't you?"

"Careful how?"

"Holden's got a reputation as a heartbreaker, you do know that, right?"

"Ella," Sarah said with a grin, "it's none of your business."

Ella rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah."


"Hey," Ella said.

"Hey," Jake said.

"I want you to do something for me."

"What's that?"

"Just try to get to know Chase, OK? Before you pass judgment. Just because he's not a clean freak like you doesn't mean he isn't a good person."

Jake sighed. "I just don't like him, Ell."

"Well, you're going to have to get used to him."

"And why is that?"

"Because we're getting married." Ella held out her hand and showed him the ring.


"I wish we lived in the same dorm," Jake said. They were on a date at the One Twenty Five Club.

"It's OK," Blossom said. "I mean, we see each other a lot."

"Yes," he said, "but I like you in my bed."

She shivered with pleasure. "You do, huh."

"Yes." He ran his finger up the inside of her arm.

"I like it there, myself. But my dorm's not so bad, and you don't have room. Your house is only coded for eight."

"Never thought I'd be sorry to have so many friends," he said. "So, your dorm's OK?"

"Yeah. I'm making friends with Meadow and Marla, and Tim's really nice."

"How nice?"

She giggled. "Jealous?"

"He gets to live with you. I don't."

"Don't worry. He's really into Meadow. I think they're going to get engaged soon."

"Well, then."


"I suppose we'll have lots of time to live with each other after college."

She raised an eyebrow. "Live together?"

"Unless of course you don't want to marry me. I was waiting for the right moment, and this seems like it." He put a box on the table. "Blossom, will you marry me?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" She opened up the box. "Oh! It's so pretty!" She jumped into his lap and kissed him. "Yes, I will marry you."

Conversation in the restaurant had momentarily stopped, and someone started to applaud.

Grinning foolishly, they paid the bill and headed back to Jake's house to celebrate.

At Dinner

"So, you've got three brothers," Ricardo said.

"Four, actually, and a half sister," Isadora said. "He did say something to you, didn't he."

"It's OK. I understand. If I had a sister I'd protect her too."

She rolled her eyes. "Everyone thinks I'm this big innocent."

"Are you?"

"I don't think so," she said. "I'm an optimist. It's not the same thing. I hope he didn't scare you off."

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yeah, I guess you are." She smiled.

"So, big family, huh. Must be nice. I'm an only child."

"We weren't all raised together," she said. "Jake and Ella are my half-sibs. They're twins, just like Zane and me. Their moms raised them. I grew up with my two oldest brothers and Zane."


"It has its advantages and its disadvantages," she said. "The overprotectiveness, for example."

He smiled. "Well, don't worry. I'm not that easily scared off."

"Good thing," she said, thinking of Spike.

Free Agent

Raven was walking home from Ivan's after yet another date, humming to herself.

"Who was that?" Caleb said, emerging from the shadows. "That your other lover?"

"So what if he is," she said.

He grabbed her arm. "Raven, you're making me crazy. I can't think of anyone but you." He grabbed her and kissed her, pushing her up against the wall. She pushed him off.

"Stop it."

"Tell me he's a better kisser than me."

"OK, he's a better kisser than you."

He slammed his hand against the wall. "Da**it, Raven. Is everything a joke to you?"

"No," she said, looking into his eyes. "Not everything. But you've got to get it through your head that I'm not your property. I'm no one's property. I'm a free agent, Caleb, and that's the way I like it."

"I want you all to myself," he said, kissing her neck.

She melted a little against him. It felt so good. "You're not going to convince me, you know."

"Let me try." He started kissing a little lower.

"OK," she said.

He pushed her back into the shadows of an alcove.

Friendly Warning

"So, you're going out with my sister," Zane said.

"Yes. Ricardo Montez," he said, holding out his hand.

Zane didn't take it. He sized up the other man. Snappy dresser, nice haircut, smooth manner. Definitely a player. "Just so you know, she's got two more brothers and an uncle attending this university."

"That so."

"Yes. And if you hurt her we're going to be fighting to see who gets to teach you a lesson."

"It's just dinner."

"See that it stays that way." Zane ambled away.

Isadora came downstairs and watched him walk away, then hurried over to Ricardo. "Did my brother say something to you?"

"Nah. He just wondered who I was, is all. Ready to go?"

"Mmm hmmm," she said, looking over her shoulder at Zane. She turned back to Ricardo. "Yes, yes I am."


Hunter saw Ivan and Raven kissing outside his room in the morning and thought, "So that's how it is."

She didn't like how jealous she felt. He wasn't hers. She didn't want him to be. She didn't want that from anyone.

But she couldn't seem to help how much she missed him.

"Stay away from my fiance," Jaden said.

Hunter turned around. "Don't worry. We were just having a little fun."

"Hunter, you need to have your head examined," Jaden said.

"I do? Who got engaged in college? This is your best chance to sow your wild oats and you blow it by hitching yourself to one guy. You're the one who's nuts."

"Whatever. Just stay away from Tristan."

"Again, not a problem," Hunter said, sweeping by her and walking away. She decided to go to the library. With any luck no one she knew would be there.

"Hey, Zane," Hunter said, with a sigh. What was this, dormies follow you around week?

"Hey." Zane had his arm around a cute co-ed with cornrows. "This is Elena."

"Hey." Elena said. "This is my brother, Eduardo."

Eduardo looked Hunter over and smiled. She smiled back. He was cute, and exactly what she needed. A distraction.

"You here to study?" Eduardo said.

"Or something," she said.

"What's studying without coffee?" he asked.

"What a good question," she said.

"Shall we?" he said, opening the door for her. They crossed the street to the coffee shop.

Elena looked at Zane. "That was fast."

"Uh, yeah, I guess so," he said. "But enough about them. Let's talk about us."

At the Bowling Alley

It didn't cheer him up. If anything, it made him feel worse. Sure it was fun, but afterwards he felt terrible about himself. What if Jaden had been telling the truth? What if he'd just screwed up his entire future?

Hunter fell asleep and he snuck out of bed, got dressed and went to look for Jaden.

She was sitting in the study room, reading a book. Henry and Samantha were there too.

"Jaden," he said. "We need to talk."

"Boy, look at the time," Sam said, stretching and yawning loudly. "You ready for bed, Henry?"

"Uh huh."

They beat a hasty retreat.

"So, talk," Jaden said. He'd never seen her so sad.

"Let's go somewhere else, OK?"

They went to the bowling alley but they didn't go inside. They sat in the car and stared out at the night.

"I miss you," Tristan said. "And I just realized how much I love you."

"I never slept with Henry," she said. "And I'm really angry that you would believe I had."

"I just don't understand who'd go to so much trouble to fake a letter," he said. "It's just ... weird."

"Yeah, I guess I can see your point of view," Jaden said.

They sat there in silence for a long time.

"So, where does this leave us?" she asked finally.

"Willing to forgive and forget? I should tell you something," he said. "I slept with Hunter today."

"You what?" She turned to stare at him.

"I was confused, I was hurt, she was nice to me."

"Hunter would be nice to Satan himself if she thought she could get something out of it."

"Oh, come on, she's not that bad. She's just got a different idea of what love is than we do, is all."

"If you say so."

"The point is, Jaden, I realized I'd made a huge mistake. I don't want there to be any lies between us. So I'm coming clean."

"I suppose you want me to come clean too." She sighed.

"Is there something to come clean about?"

"No. That's just the thing. Either you believe me or you don't, Tristan. It's only you. It's always only been you. Henry and I are friends. That's it."

"I believe you," he said.

"Then I forgive you."



He leaned over and kissed her and she put her arms around him and kissed him back.

He suddenly felt a lot better.

Happy For Now

Nothing mattered to Tristan lately. He didn't care if he passed his classes, or ate breakfast, or got dressed in the morning. He went to class in his pajamas because it was something to do, but he barely paid attention.

He wasn't sure who he was angriest at. His brother, his fiancee or himself. Jaden hadn't given him back the ring. He wondered if he should ask for it. How could he have been so stupid?

Maybe they're innocent, said his more reasonable self. Maybe they were set up.

Yeah, right. By whom?

"Hey there, you," Hunter said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "I hate seeing you so sad, Tristan."

"Sorry." He shrugged.

"I can help take your mind off of things," she said.

"Hunter, don't you get tired of playing the field?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Why would I?"

"No reason."

She put her arms around him and kissed him playfully. He had to admit she was pretty sexy. She smelled nice too.

"Tristan, it doesn't always have to be about happily ever after," she said. "Sometimes it's just about happy for now."

She was right. He was tired of feeling depressed. Maybe this would cheer him up.

Photo Booth

Blossom loved everything about Jake, from his rugged good looks to his responsible nature to his quiet, dry sense of humor, but one thing she wished was that he wasn't so much of a gentleman.

They'd been on six dates and so far all they'd done was make out. She was so crazy for him it distracted her when he wasn't even there, and now, sitting next to him at the table at the Botanical Gardens she could barely concentrate on her food.

She knew he liked to take the lead, but if she waited for him they'd graduate before they had sex.

"You haven't heard a word I've said, have you," he said.

"Uh, what? Sorry, no."

"Your food not good?"

"Its fine. You have the sexiest mouth."

He raised an eyebrow.

She climbed into his lap and started to kiss him.

"Blossom, we're in public."

She ignored him, he kissed her back and things were reaching the danger level when she said, "photo booth."

"I want our first time to be--"

"Photo booth or chair," she said with a growl.

"Photo booth it is."

College Student Dies in Freak Accident

College Freshman Tiffany Copur died suddenly Thursday night when a satellite fell from its orbit and hit her. Funeral arrangements are pending.

"This is what I've been waiting for," Antonio said. "Solange, I want you to make a call."

"You want me to bring back an annoying college co-ed? It'll cost you, you know."

Antonio smiled. "Only half what you think it will."

Tiffany was confused. A man and woman were talking to her but the words made no sense. Where was she? Why did she seem to be underwater? And what smelled?

"Phew," The man said, waving his hand in front of his nose. "First order of business is, you take a bath."

She felt compelled to obey, though her arms felt like rubber and one foot dragged behind her. "Yes," she said.

"I am Antonio," he said. "I am your master now."

"Yes, Master," she said, and limped off to the bathroom.

"Well, she's attractive," Solange said, helping herself to a drink. She'd gone through yet another makeover and now resembled a California co-ed, with blonde touseled hair and a sexy outfit.

"Not nearly as attractive as you," Antonio said, taking the drink from her. "Thanks."

She rolled her eyes and made another drink. "I knew there was a reason you wanted me to move in."

"A man has needs."

"Uh huh. And what do I get in return?"

"Why, the pleasure of my company," he said, running a finger up her spine and making her shiver. "And I do mean pleasure."

"Don't think this means I like you," she said, turning to him.

"Not required." He put down his drink and put his arms around her.

Let's Party

Raven got a big welcome home party when she came home from the hospital. All of the residents of the adobe mission were there as well as from her own house, plus Caleb.

"How are you, Raven?" Skylar asked, looking concerned.

"You know, Skylar, this has really made me look at my life, decide what's important to me, y'know? Reassess my priorities."


"Nah. Just kidding," Raven said with a grin. "Let's party."

"I heard you beat up the bad guy for me," Raven said, climbing into Caleb's lap. "That's so romantic."

"Yeah, I thought about buying you jewelry, but nothing says love like a few bloody contusions."

"And it's not even my birthday," she said, nibbling on his ear.

"Yeah, well, that's me. Thoughtful. Whadya say we ... " His eyes gestured up the stairs to the bedrooms.

"Right behind you," she said, jumping up.

"You sure you're up for ... "

"You getting mushy on me?" she asked, hand on hip.

"You're right, what was I thinking." He grabbed her hand. "Let's go."

They were kissing, and doing some other stuff, and suddenly she was asleep, trapping Caleb's arm underneath her. He lay there for a while, watching her, all sorts of weird feelings going through him.

He pulled his arm out gently, covered her up and kissed her forehead.

"Nighty night," he said, and turning into a bat flew out the window to where he'd parked the motorcycle.

Antonio Lays Down the Law

"So I suppose you wonder why I invited you to dinner," Antonio said.

"Not really," said Riley, his mouth full of lobster. They were in the dining room of their uncle's enormous mansion.

Ezra cuffed him on the back of the head.

Antonio chose to ignore this outburst. "I'm proud of you boys. The photos remind me of my college days, and the letter ... simply inspired."

"You told?" Wyatt glared at Ezra.

"Chill, he's cool."

"But this latest prank was simply sloppy," Antonio said. "You need to do things for a clear reason, not just a silly schoolboy practical joke."

"I like practical jokes," Wyatt said, sulkily.

"And if the girl had died it would be game over," Antonio said. "You wouldn't even make it to jail. Or have you forgotten who her grandparents are? Not to mention her hotheaded vampire lover. Nice bruises."

Wyatt turned a paler shade of green.

"So anyway," Antonio said, calmly eating his salad, "I asked you to dinner to offer all three of you jobs once you graduate."

"But we don't want to be crim--" Riley started.

"Let the man finish," Ezra said.

"You already are 'crim,' my boy. Wyatt may have covered for you but we know who really drugged the drink, now don't we. Anyway, I have no intention of stopping you from pursuing your dreams. I could use a few scientists on staff."

"What if we don't want to?" Riley said, crosssing his arms.

"Speak for yourself," Ezra said.

"I'm prepared to ensure you stay in school, and buy you a house once you graduate, all expenses paid--including research--with two provisions. One, you tell no one you work for me."

"And two?" Wyatt asked.

"From now on you do as you're told. First order is to keep your heads down. Be good little students and wait for this all to blow over. I have no interest in angering a bunch of hotheaded young co-eds, and neither should you. I'm afraid you're going to have to take your lumps as it is.

"Let's hope," Antonio concluded, "that no one finds out about your other pranks. So, do we have a deal, gentlemen?"

Martin Ruben, Hero

"So then they had the nerve to tell me I was going to have to leave," Martin said, "and I said, hold up, who owns most of this stuff? I had them there. I told them they could stay if they behaved themselves but I'd be watching them."

"Oh, Martin, you were sooo brave," said his girlfriend, Marla Biggs. "Such a hero."

"I'm thinking of going into law enforcement," Martin said. "Officer Sullivan said I'd be good at it."

Not Very Funny

Raven woke up with tubes in her arms and her father sitting by the bed, his face in his hands.


Apollo looked up. "Oh, thank God you're awake. How do you feel?"

"I missed my final, didn't I."

Apollo laughed and grabbed her in a fierce hug. "Same old Raven. Thank goodness."

"What happened?"

Apollo looked grim. "Don't worry about that right now. You just get some rest."


"Apparently Wyatt Nova thought it would be funny to slip you a drug so you'd miss your final. His roommate turned him in."

Raven stared at him. "Oh, he is so dead."

"You'll have to stand in line," Apollo said.


"Is this a private fight, or can anyone join?" the vampire asked.

The brothers stopped shouting and turned to stare at him.

"I'll take that as an invitation," he said, and slammed Wyatt up against the wall. "You spying on my girlfriend?"

"Your ... what?"

"My girlfriend. Raven. You spying on her?"

"Uh, no."

Caleb hit him in the stomach. "Wrong answer. Let's try again."

Caleb Makes a Discovery

Caleb slouched against the wall, waiting for the ambulance. He felt angrier than he had in a long time. Raven was a cool girl, and he might even have feelings for her. More than he'd had for anyone in a long time, anyway.

And now someone had gone and slipped her a mickey.

Caleb wanted someone to hit.

He looked around and something glinted in his eye. He blinked. There it was again, reflecting the streetlight.

A telescope.

Aimed at the house.


"How much did you give her?" Wyatt held Riley by the lapels and shook him. "I said three drops, not the whole freaking bottle. We wanted to knock her out, not kill her."

"I got nervous. It might have been more than three drops," Riley said.

"Give me the bottle." Wyatt snatched it from him. "Oh, man, it's half gone. What kind of an idiot are you?"

"You're the one who made me do your dirty work," Riley said. "Do it yourself next time."

The brothers were shouting so much they didn't see Martin snatch the bottle off the table and sneak out the door.


Raven had a big final the next day but she'd already done all the work so she decided to hit the bar. Caleb said he might show up later so she sat back and watched the band.

Whoa. What was in that drink? The room started to spin.

"Raven?" Caleb's voice seemed very far away, and then the room went dark.

Caleb carried Raven into the rented house. "Hello? Anyone here?"

Holden and Jake emerged at the same time. "What happened?" Holden said.

"Not sure. I think she had too much to drink."

"Here, put her on the couch. Raven? Can you hear me?" Holden looked up. "She's out."

"I'll call for an ambulance," Jake said.


"So what you're saying is you caused all those fights?" Ezra said, staring at his brother in awe.


"Cool. But how?"

"I took a few photos. Hunter's so easy it's pathetic. Tristan was harder. I left a letter in Henry's handwriting lying around where he would find it. Those idiots never lock their doors."

"You're a forger?" Ezra said. "Wicked."

"Yeah. How do you think I got out of all those classes in high school?"

"Who'd want to get out of classes?" Riley asked.

Ezra and Wyatt rolled their eyes.

"This is all cool, and everything, but why waste your time on those losers?" Ezra said.

"I was just so sick of all those lovebirds and their holier than thou attitudes. I like watching them suffer. Oh, Tristan," Wyatt said, mimicking Jaden's hurt expression.

Ezra laughed.

"So, who's next?" Wyatt asked.

"Raven," Ezra said, without hesitation.

"Raven, huh," Wyatt said. "That'll take some finesse."

"Well, we could pick someone else ... "

"No, no, Raven's good. She's just got a rep for taking no prisoners, is all, and I like my face the way it is."

"You're afraid of a girl?" Ezra scoffed.

"Don't be an idiot," Wyatt said. "Who cares if she's a girl? She could wipe up the floor with both of us without breaking a sweat. Which is why we have to be very sneaky about this. I'm going to have to give it some thought."

Sam Longman in Love

"Everything's a mess, Sam. My dad's dead and some sicko is playing games with our heads, and I'm so tired all I want to do is sleep for a week," Henry said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Sam put her arms around him and kissed his forehead. "Shhhh, just try not to think about it all at once."

"I just don't know what to do, Sam."

"You need to sleep. Everything will seem better in the morning."

He nodded and lay down, and she covered him with the blanket before crawling in behind him and snuggling up to his back.

She loved him, she realized at that moment, with all her heart.

She wished she could make everything better, but all she could do was hold him. His fingers laced through hers and he was almost instantly asleep.

"I love you, Henry," she whispered, and lay there for a long time before falling asleep herself.

Proverbial Needle

"So," Jake said as they waited for the server. They were at Toulouse Lips, the newest joint in town.

Blossom grinned. "You always this talkative?"

He didn't answer.

"I'll take that for a yes," she said. "Jake, there's no need to be nervous."

"Who said I'm nervous?" he frowned.

"Let me let you in a secret," she said. "I like you."

"You do?" He relaxed a bit.

"Uh huh. You think I give massages to every guy I meet? Wait, don't answer that."

He smiled. "I'm not usually such a stick in the mud."

"I don't think you're a stick in the mud at all," she said. "I think you're cute, and a gentleman. You know how hard those are to find? Like a needle in a haystack."

"That hard, huh."


He squeezed her hand. "You're a nice person, Blossom."

"Thank you," she said. "Does that mean you like me a little too?"

"Yeah," he said, smiling. "More than a little."

"Oh, goodie," she said. "I'm glad that's settled. Let's order. I'm starving."

Kiss and Make It Better

"Hey, Ivan." Raven sat down next to him at the bar. "Long time no see."

"Raven, I saw you yesterday," he said.

"Pretty good memory for a drunk."

"I am not a drunk!" he shouted, throwing the bottle on the floor, where it shattered.

"OK, out!" the bartender said. A bouncer walked over, but Ivan waved him off.

"I'm going, I'm going."

"Poor baby," Raven said, following him. "What's the matter?"

"Don't patronize me, Raven. We both know you have the motherly inshtincts of a boa cons ... boa cons ... a snake."

"Boy are you loaded," Raven said, swiping his car keys and holding them out of his reach. "Ah, ah, ah, friends don't let friends and all that."

Ivan sat down on the curb. "My life is suddenly one big mess."

Raven sat down next to him. "Want me to kiss it and make it better?"

Their eyes met.

"Yes," he said.

Henry Smells a Rat

"Tristan, I don't understand," Jaden said, holding her face, her eyes full of tears. "Why are you so angry?"

He shoved the letter at her. "I found this in our room."

She looked at it, her eyes widening, then back up at him. "Tristan, this is a bunch of lies. There's no one else but you."

"It's in Henry's handwriting," Tristan said.

"What's in my handwriting?" Henry said, yawning as he returned from class.

"This," Jaden said, handing it over. "Tell him, Henry. Tell him there's nothing between us." She looked on the verge of tears.

"Of course there's nothing between us," Henry said, scanning the letter. "Tris, I never wrote this."

"I'd like to believe you," Tristan said. "I really would. But the evidence seems pretty strong."

"Someone set us up," Henry said. "You have to believe me. Jaden and I are just friends." He put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "I'd never do this to you."

"Yeah, right. Who'd go to that much trouble?" Tristan said, pushing him off. "I'm going for a walk."

Jaden watched him for a moment, then burst into tears and ran to her room.

"What was that all about?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out," Henry said.

Shooting Fish

"Wyatt, correct me if I'm wrong but don't telescopes normally need to point up?" Ezra asked. It was early evening and the brothers had spent the last week enjoying the use of Martin's "stuff." Martin himself was OK, too, nice and quiet.

"It's like shooting fish in a barrel," Wyatt said, laughing.

"What is?"

"Take a look."

Ezra looked through the lens to see Tristan slapping Jaden.

"Oooh, man, Riley's got to see this," he said, grinning. "He hates Tristan's guts. But, I don't get it."

"Ezra, Ezra, you have so much to learn," Wyatt said, and went back to his spying.

Talking to the Wall

"Holden, what are these?" Sarah asked, tossing the envelope of pictures on his bed.

Holden looked them over and his expression grew stormy. "Someone's been spying on me?"

"Why are you kissing Hunter Delacroix, is what I meant," Sarah said.

Holden stood up and took her by the hands. "Sarah, this was before you got to college, not after. You and me are for real, you know that."

"But still, you did kiss her."


"With no clothes on."


"Huh. So does that mean I can do that too?"

"You can do whatever you want," he said, "but I hope you don't. At least, not with someone other than me."

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

"I'm going to find out who took these and then I'm going to kick his ass," Holden said, leaving the room.

"I meant about us," Sarah said to the wall.

Phone Call

"Hey," Jake said, over the phone. "I, uh, just thought I'd give you a call."

"Mmm hmmmm," Blossom said.

"You know, just to ... see how you're doing."

"I'm fine, Jake, thanks for asking. How are you?"

"Uh, fine, fine."




"You going to ask me out, or what?"


"Dear Jaden," the letter began.

I dream about you constantly, ever since that night we spent together. Oh how I wish we could see more of each other. Leave him and run away with me, my love.

I promise you won't be sorry."

Tristan crumpled the letter into a ball with a trembling fist.


"I found us a roommate," Wyatt said.

"I don't want one," Riley said.

"Me, either," said Ezra.

"Look at this place," Wyatt said. "All we've got is three hard beds and a toilet."

"So?" Riley said.

"So? Three words, little brother: he's got stuff."

"When can he move in?" Ezra asked.


Martin Ruben wasn't so sure about his three new roommates, or the accommodations, but he was tired of living alone. And hey, they were science majors just like him.

How bad could it be?


Ivan was sitting in the dark when Hunter got home. She could smell the whiskey from the doorway.

"You're drunk, Babe," she said.

"Don't you Babe me," he said, angrily.

"Ivan?" She walked into the room and put her hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

He shrugged her off. "Don't touch me."

"Ivan, I don't understand."

"Maybe you'll understand this." He shoved a handful of photos at her.

She turned on the light. There, in vivid color, was Hunter, kissing Holden du Maurier. "Oh, Ivan ... "

"You have great timing," Ivan said, choking back a sob. "This was already the worst day of my life, and this ... someone left these in the mailbox for the corker."

"Ivan, what's happened?"

"Leave me alone!" Ivan said, standing up and pushing her away. "Don't insult me by pretending to care. Go away and leave me alone."

"I'm sorry I kissed Holden, but ... "

"You did more than kiss him, Babe. Don't lie to me."


"Hunter, go away before I do something I'll regret."

Their eyes met and she nodded. She turned and walked away.

Henry waved his hand in front of his nose. "Whew. It smells like a distillery in here."

"She sent you, didn't she," Ivan said, taking a swig.

"She was worried about you. So am I."

"Dad's dead," Ivan said.

Henry sat down, hard. "What? How?"

"He left a note."

Henry's world was spinning. He and James hadn't been all that close, but still ... dead. He felt numb.

"Hand me the bottle," he said.

New House

"Hey, son, thanks for coming to see this house with me," Apollo said.

"No problem," Max replied.

The house overlooked the sea. It had white walls and a red roof, a swimming pool and an inner courtyard.

"Kind of a big house for just Sylvie and me," Apollo said.

"You've earned it, Dad."

"Well, thanks, but I was thinking maybe you and Avery'd like to go in with us on it. It's a bit steep, but I know the four of us could swing it."

"Oh, sure, tell me this after I just finished remodeling."

"Thinking it as upping your resale price," Apollo said. "Think about it. Talk it over with Avery."

"It is a nice house," said Max.


Max and Avery found two letters in the mailbox when they got home.

The first was from Piper and Vyn.
Dear Max,

This is just our way of saying thank you for giving us two wonderful children. We are doing very well financially, right now, and it has come to our attention that you are not.

Please accept this check. We feel it's the very least we can do.

Love, Piper and Vyn

The check was for $5,000 simoleans.

"Wow," Avery said. She opened the second letter.
Max and Avery,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for raising my son to be such a wonderful young man. He calls me every week from college and sounds very happy. I even got to meet his fiancee, Jaden, and she seems like a very nice young woman.

Please accept this token of my gratitude and esteem. I'm sorry it couldn't have been more timely, but now that we are doing well I feel you should share in the bounty. Raising four kids can't have been easy on your finances.

I only wish it could be more. You've given Tristan everything.

Love, Julia Sawyer

The check was for $2,500.

"Wow," Avery said again. "I don't know what to say."

"I do," Max said. "Let's remodel."

They ripped out all the temporary walls they'd put up to afford themselves and their children some privacy, moved a bathroom that was in the way, expanded the upstairs to match the downstairs and put a railing around the loft and the balcony out front.

They got rid of the cement block bookcase, the sofa with the stuffing sticking out of it, and the TV that barely worked anymore.

They couldn't afford to remodel the kitchen just yet, but everything else got a facelift. Their bed went upstairs, in the big open space they'd created, with brand new bath, and everything else was downstairs.

They decided to keep the business going, for now, but Max hit the pavement and quickly got a job as a campaign manager.

"This place looks downright respectable now," Spike said over a beer one night. He'd come over to help put up the last of the panelling. The whole warehouse was now covered in the Japanese paneling Max favored. "Sure you want a disreputable lout like me hanging about?"

"Always," Max said. "Cheers."

A New Chapter

Isadora was heartbroken that her pets couldn't come to college with her, but Max promised her he'd find them good homes. "You nursed them back to health, honey, and now they've got a second chance."

"Are we ready?" Zane asked for the tenth time. He'd been packed for hours now but Iz, as usual, had all of her stuff in a disorderly heap. "Here," he said, "let me help."

They all piled into the taxi an hour later and drove to the Adobe Mission. Avery and Max hugged the twins goodbye and helped them move their stuff into the room formerly occupied by Wyatt and Riley.

"Good luck, honey, call if you need anything," Avery said, hugging Isadora and sniffling.

"I will, Mom," Iz said, looking a bit teary herself.

"Bye, Dad," Zane said, giving Max a hug.

"Look out for your sister, OK?" Max said. "She's kind of innocent."

"I'd like to see the big bad wolf try to get past me," Zane said.

Max smiled. "That's my boy."

"Wow," Avery said, as they got back into the taxi and drove away. "Our babies are in college."

"Want to have a few more?"

"Not on your life, buster."

He laughed. "Good, because I've been doing a lot of thinking about our future."


"Yeah. Avery, how'd you feel about me getting into politics?"

Antonio Nova, Criminal Mastermind

"So who are we bringing back?" she asked, as they moved her things into his huge bunker of a mansion. "And holy smokes, Antonio, how'd you afford this place?"

"Criminal mastermind, remember? I don't pay my own bills."

"Ah. Please tell me we aren't resurrecting your dear dead great-grandmother. I hated that woman."

"No, Lola can rest in peace."

"So, are you going to tell me?"

"Let's just say this person isn't dead yet."

She stared at him and then began to smile. "I think I'm going to like working for you."

"Just don't cross me, and we'll get along fine," he said.


Solange was in a bad mood. It was the only mood she had, these days. She hated being human again, hated feeling frail and emotional and needy. She hated pretending to be someone she wasn't, hated her job, hated Antonio most of all.

So it was safe to say that she wasn't in a good mood when the little kid ran into her and practically knocked her flat.

"Watch where you're going, you brat," she snapped.

The little girl's eyes grew large as a deer's and she looked like she was about to cry.

"That's right, go cry to your Mama," Solange sneered.

The kid ran behind Milo, who had just emerged from Tiffany's apartment. Cooper was right behind her.

"Anne?" he said, pleasantly, though his teeth were bared. "May I talk to you for a moment?"

"I'm not in the--Hey!"

He grabbed her elbow and escorted her outside. "That 'brat' is my kid," he said, "mine and Milo's. You will be polite to her at the very least or I'll have you evicted."

She shook him off. "You don't have the power to do that."

"But I do, Solange," Tiffany said, walking down the steps toward them.

Solange stared at her.

"You need some help?" Cooper asked.

"No, that's OK, leave us alone, please," she said.

Cooper went back inside.

"How stupid do you think I am?" Tiffany asked. "Wait, don't answer that."

"You recognized me."

"Yes," she said. "From the start. But I thought, hey, she's harmless. Only, you're not, are you. You're like a nasty little canker sore that affects everyone around you. You've got to the end of the month to find a new place to live."

She turned and went back inside.

The next day she lost her job. No explanation, just her things waiting for her in a box at the security gate and a please turn in your keys. The guard wouldn't meet her eyes.

Her phone rang and she snapped it open. "What."

"You owe me," Antonio said.

"It was you, wasn't it," she said. "You got me fired."

"Maybe you're just incompetent."

"What do you want, Antonio."

"Like I said, you owe me. I want you to come work for me."

"I'd rather eat rats."

"Bon apetit," he said, and hung up.

No one would hire her. Everywhere she went she got the same shifty-eyed apologies. Sorry, the position had just been filled, she didn't meet their qualifications, they were looking for someone purple with green spots.

She called Antonio. "Knock it off."

"No. I dropped out of college to take care of you. I gave you ten years of my life. I need you to take a very specific job. You can even live with me, since I hear you're about to be homeless."

"What's the job," she said, giving up.

"That's more like it," he said. "It's simple. I need you to become a paranormalist."

"But that's not working for you."

"Yes, it is. I am in need of someone who can raise the dead."


"Was that my sister?" Jake stood staring upstairs in disbelief. "My baby sister?"

"Not such a baby anymore, Sport," Chase said, clapping him on the back.

"Don't touch me," Jake said, and went off to sit by himself. He put his face in his hands. His sisters had to have the most monumentally bad judgment in the history of the world. A lazy layabout and a rockstar wannabe who already had three or four girlfriends. He wasn't looking forward to the fallout.

"Tense?" said a sweet voice.

Jake jumped a foot.

"I'll take that as a yes," said the hippy chick. She had long dark hair and wore jewelry in her bellybutton. She smiled at Jake impishly. "I can help you with that."

"No, thanks," he said.

"Oh, big strong guy can take care of himself, hmmm?" She put her hands on his shoulders and did something magical and suddenly Jake felt a lot better. "How's that?"

"How'd you do that?"

"I'm in touch with the universe," she said. "And all its shakras. And you, my friend, are the tensest person I've met in a long time."

"You can stop now," he said, frowning. Just his luck to pick up yet another weirdo.

"Are you sure?" she did something else and his back relaxed for the first time in weeks. Maybe there was something to this shakra universe thing.

"Uh, no, on second thought ... "

She laughed. "I'm Blossom, by the way. Blossom Moonbeam."

"Of course you are." Jake gave up. Apparently weird was the order of the day.

"Lie down on the couch," she said. "I'll give you a proper massage."

Who was he to say no?

Not a Nice Boy

Sarah couldn't wait to get to college, and Vyn didn't want her to go.

"I know why you want to be there," she said. "That Holden person. He's not a nice boy, Sarah."

"How do you know?" Sarah rolled her eyes. "You don't even know him."

"I know his type," Vyn said.

"I'm going to college," Sarah said. "You can't stop me."

Piper put her hand on Vyn's shoulder. "Vyn, honey, she's ready. You can't protect her forever."

"Finally," Sarah said, "the voice of reason."


Sarah felt nervous, and suddenly twelve again. What if Holden had moved on? They'd been such good friends in high school, and kept in touch after he left for college, but they'd never even kissed, or anything. She'd thought of nothing but him for the past year.

He wasn't the person her mom thought he was. She knew him better than that. He was a bad boy, sure, but he was a good person too. If that made any sense.

He was with a hippie looking chick and a guy who was massacring the bass they'd set up in the courtyard when she walked into the ramshackle house. Ella had told her they had an opening and that she'd be welcome to bunk with them. Living with Holden seemed like a dream come true.

But would he be the same?

"Dude," Holden was saying. "give it up. Go practice on your own instruments. Don't break ours." Sarah knew Holden was a gifted musician, like all the du Mauriers seemed to be.

He looked up and saw her, and a smile crinkled the corners of his eyes, though he otherwise looked cool and nonchalant. "Hey, you."

"Hey." She felt shy and stupid.

He crossed the courtyard and took her in his arms and kissed her.

Wow. Sarah, dazed, looked up at him. Either he was a heck of a good kisser, or this was love. Or both. She felt like she was floating.

"I missed you," he said.

Holden backed Sarah up against the wall, her legs went around his waist, and they were so wrapped up in each other they forgot for a moment that they were in public.

"Hey, get a room," Chase said.

Holden carried Sarah upstairs, still kissing. They nearly fell so he put her down but they somehow managed to maintain the liplock, all the way to the nearest bedroom.

"Is this your room?" she asked.

"Who cares," he said, and slammed the door shut with his foot.


"I know the nicest guy, Sam," Chase said. "I can't believe I didn't think of this before."

"What? Do I have desperate stamped on my forehead?" Sam said. She'd gone across the street to study with Skylar.

"No, not at all. It's just, he's single, you're single ... "

Sam sighed. "OK, OK, Yenta, set us up."

Tim was nice. He was also cute, and terribly shy. Sam had a pleasant time on their date but felt ... nothing. No sparks. Zip. Nada.

She went home feeling blue. Henry was playing the piano in the courtyard.

"What's wrong with me?" she said.

He looked up. "What? Nothing. Nothing's wrong with you."

"Then why aren't we going out?"

He looked surprised. "I didn't think you were interested in a playboy like me."

"You're not a playboy, Henry. You're just a boy."

"I prefer young man," he said, teasingly.

"Whatever. You just haven't made up your mind yet, is all. And I'm getting tired of sitting around watching you go out with vampires and cheerleaders. That vampire's two-timing you, at least, you know. She's seeing Fenris."

"Everyone's seeing Fenris," Henry said, rolling his eyes. "I'd be seeing Fenris if I liked boys."

"Still. Last chance, Henry. If you turn me down again I'm crossing you off my list."

"You have a list?" he raised an eyebrow.

She hit him. "You know what I mean."

"So you want to go out with me."

She shrugged. "We're good together."

"Yeah?" He moved in closer and put his arms around her. "How good?"

She looked up at him with her big green eyes. "Is this a yes?"

"What do you think?"

"Don't tease me, Henry."

He sighed. "Not teasing, Sam." He kissed her, and the sparks flew. "Not teasing at all."


"Hey, Ez, we just rented our own place," Riley said. "Me and Wyatt. It's right next door to you." He pointed to the old military building.

"Riley, it's a barracks and a bunch of sand."

"Yeah, cool, huh. Want to join us?"

Ezra shrugged. "Sure, why not."


Cordelia was withdrawn and quiet her first few days, but little by little Milo drew her out. She learned that Cordelia and her mother had just moved to Porta de Luca when her mother suddenly collapsed and died. Cordelia had no living relatives, and had been at the orphanage a few months before Milo and Cooper asked to adopt a little girl.

"You're not going to die on me too, are you?" Cordelia blurted out one day over milk and cookies.

"I hope not," Milo said. "We're both pretty healthy."

"Mama was sick a lot," Cordelia said.

"You must miss her."

"Yeah," Cordelia said, and burst into tears again. But this time she let Milo draw her into her lap.

Milo rocked her back and forth until the crying stopped.

That night they were playing a board game when Cooper came home from work. Cordelia jumped up and ran to him and gave him a big hug. Cooper and Milo's eyes met, and they smiled at each other.


Milo ran around cleaning imaginary specks of dust in the apartment building, hurrying to the window every three minutes to peer out anxiously. "Maybe I should have had the carpets cleaned ... "

Cooper caught her by the hand. "Calm down, honey, everything's fine."

"I just want it to be perfect, you know, welcoming ... "

"It will be. Trust me."

"Our own little girl, Cooper. She'll be here any minute."

They heard a motor outside in the street and went outside to see the social worker's van pull up. A little girl got out and looked around, blinking in the afternoon sun. She had brown hair and blue eyes and a bewildered expression.

"Mr. and Mrs. Delacroix?" the social worker said.

They nodded.

"This is Cordelia. Sign here, and here."

They did.

Cordelia stared at them.

"Say hi to your new parents, dear," the social worker said.

"You're GREEN!" Cordelia said, staring at Milo.


Cordelia continued to stare. Cooper walked over and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hi Cordelia," he said. "I'm Cooper, and this is Milo. We're really happy you're here."

Cordelia burst into tears and ran into the building.

"Her mother died unexpectedly," the social worker said. "It may be hard for her to adjust at first. She's a good child, generally, if a bit outspoken. I'm sure you'll adapt to one another just fine."

And with that, she was gone, leaving the brand new family alone.

Brotherly Disapproval

"You're kidding," Jake said. "You and Chase?" He'd been uncharacteristically silent the night before when Ella got back from her date, but now over breakfast he said, "I can't stand that guy."

Ella stared at him. "You must be the only person in the universe who can't, then."

"He's a lazy good for nothing, Ell. You sure you want to hook your wagon to that?"

"Jacob Hourvitz," she said, standing up, "I believe this conversation is at an end." She stormed out of the kitchen.

Jake shook his head. He'd handled this badly, he knew. He just didn't want to see his sister end up with someone who wouldn't pull his own weight.

He'd never met a lazier guy than Chase Delacroix.

Regrets are for Other People

Raven's cellphone rang at 7:05 P.M. "Morning, sleepyhead," she said, as she answered.

"I think we left a coupla bars untrashed," Caleb said on the other end.


"Yeah. I'll pick you up."

She hung up the phone, grinning.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Holden asked, lounging against the wall as he watched her check her makeup in the hall mirror.

"Having fun," she said, grinning.

"Rave, you know you could end up regretting this."

"Holden, honey, I never regret anything." She kissed his cheek. "Thanks for your concern, brother dear, but I'll be just fine."

Outside they heard the rev and hum of a motorcycle. "Gotta go," she said, and blew him a kiss as she left.


"Hey, Chase," Ella said. "Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing much. Going over my notes."

Ella flopped down next to him on the couch. "Sounds thrilling."

"You sound bored."

"I am, a little. Do you know I haven't been on one date since I got here? Or ever, really."

"Is that so." He put down his book.


"We could go on a date, you and me," he said, careful to keep his voice nonchalant. "I mean, we are best friends and everything. Just as friends," he said, when she looked up. "Of course."

"Of course," she said, watching his face. "We are good friends."

"Yeah, wouldn't want to mess that up," he said.

"Nope. Of course," she said, "there's no one I trust more than my friends."


"Uh huh. And I've heard trust is important." She leaned in closer and kissed him. "You're trembling."

He stood up. "I, uh, have some things to do."

She stood up too. "Like what."

"I don't know, just ... things."

"Chase," she said, "look at me. It's me, Ella. Your friend. I'm not going to hurt you."

"I don't want to be your convenience guy, Ella. I know I'm not much to look at. The first time a cute guy comes along ... "

"Do you really think so little of me?" She looked hurt.

"I just never thought you'd--" he couldn't finish.

She took his hands in hers. "Chase, you're only the nicest guy I've ever met. You're sweet and thoughtful to everyone, even that horrid Ezra. You found something nice to say about the sheets, for crying out loud."

"Nice doesn't cut it," he said, bitterly.

"It does with me," she said, and kissed him again.

"Ella, I ... "

"Shhh," she said, "I won't let you fall."

Take Your Pick

Spencer felt like he was intoxicated. He couldn't get enough of Skylar. He hated it when they were apart. They held hands at mealtimes, they gazed into each other's eyes, they barely studied, unless you counted anatomy ... Raven had taken to making retching noises whenever they were near.

"Get a room," she begged. "Please. There are eight of 'em upstairs. Take your pick."

Spencer didn't care what she said. She just didn't understand. He was in love, and it wasn't the burden he thought it would be. It was great, it was dizzying, it was ...

"All right, all ready," Chase said. "Raven's right. You guys are positively sickening."

"Are we now."

"Yeah. Give us poor single blokes a break and take it somewhere else."

Spencer and Skylar grinned at each other.

"OK," they said in unison.

Flavor of the Minute

"Hey, Hunter," Holden said as she and Sam walked out of class one day. "Haven't seen you around much."

"Hey, yourself, Freshman," she said.

He reached out and pushed a stray hair back from her face. "Fancy a date?"

"All right then."

"Hunter," Samantha hissed.


"I thought you and Ivan ... "

Hunter shrugged. "Come on, Holden, let's go." He put his arm around her shoulders and they sauntered off together.

Sam shook her head. She would never understand why some people couldn't be satisfied with one lover.

She knew when she found the right guy she'd be his for keeps.

Love's Not in the Air

Spencer couldn't sleep. He'd been restless since he'd come to college and he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was all the studying, or maybe it was all the distractions from studying. Everywhere he looked there was another pretty girl. Chase often teased him about his "female attention deficit."

"Your problem is you want them all," he said. "Just pick one, man. Love is what you make it."

Spencer had shrugged him off. Sure he'd like to get married someday, but he was too young to be thinking about love, just yet.

"Hey," Skylar said. She was sitting in the study area, reading. Everyone else was asleep.

"Hey." She sure was pretty, he thought, banishing the mental image of Chase rolling his eyes. It was more than that, though. She was a good friend, too, and Spence wasn't sure he wanted to screw that up.

He sat down next to her. "Whatcha reading?"

"Oh, nothing," she said, blushing. Green girls blushed a slightly darker green, Spencer noticed. Weird, but cool too.

"Let me see," he said, reaching for it.

She put the book behind her back. "No."

They started wrestling for it, and suddenly Spencer wasn't all that interested in the book. "Hey, Skylar," he said.

"Hey, yourself." She met his gaze. They were pratically nose to nose.

He kissed her. He couldn't help it. She was just so sexy, with those big dark eyes and her pretty face and her hair all touseled.

She kissed him back, and one thing led to another ... they fell asleep entanged on the couch.

Jake came downstairs early and saw them there. He covered them carefully with a blanket before going to make breakfast.

Love, it seemed, was blossoming everywhere.

Just not for him.

Good Time, Bad Time

Raven was having a great time. Caleb was indeed a bad boy, and soon they were making out, getting drunk, and trashing every bar they got thrown out of. Caleb dropped her at home and after giving her a big smooch drove off into the night.

Raven wove tipsily into the house, singing at the top of her lungs.

"Shut up!" Ezra yelled from upstairs. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Come down here and make me!" she said.

He didn't answer.

"Chicken," she said, and went to find a snack.


Jake wasn't having quite as good a time. It soon became clear to him that Tika only had one thing on her mind, and he just didn't find her all that attractive. Besides, he didn't really believe in casual sex.

He hadn't dated much in highschool, though it hadn't been for lack of interested girls. He wanted to wait until he met the right one, and so far she had proved elusive.

And definitely not Tika.

"You're going to be a gentleman about this, aren't you," she said finally, pouting.


"You're nothing like Max, you know."

He shrugged. "Sorry."

"S'OKay, Jake. Nice to meet you anyway," she said. "I'm gonna ... "

"Yeah, me too," he said. "Good night, Tika."

He went outside to call a cab.

Deja Who?

"Golly you look familiar," said the female vampire, cocking her head at Jake. She wore an outfit that should have fallen off her body but somehow managed not to. Her short dark hair was wild and she wore cool black and white sunglasses.

"Maybe you know my dad," he said.

"Your ... dad?" She lowered her sunglasses. "Has it really been that long? You're Max's kid?"


"Tika." She held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you."

"You're one of those polite boys, aren't you."

"Fraid so."

"Want to go have some fun, boyscout?"

He shrugged. "Sure. If you promise not to call me boyscout."

She grinned. "Then what should I call you?"

"Jake will do just fine."

Big Bad Wolf

Raven did indeed mop the floor with Ezra, who sulked about it so much that Chase offered to buy him a beer. The rest of the gang started trailing off and Raven went to call a cab.

The sun was down. It was time to party.

"Hey," said the vampire leaning against the wall. He was lean, dark haired and handsome. His cigarette glowed bright in the dark.

"Hey," she said.

He stubbed out the cigarette with one booted foot as he exhaled the last of the smoke. "Caleb," he said, holding out his hand.


"Aren't you afraid of the big bad wolf, Raven?"

"Oh, please." She snorted.

"Want to have a little fun? My motorcycle's nearby."

"Sure," she said, shrugging, and followed him.

Mopping the Floor

They didn't have much money so they bought the cheapest beds they could find, and Ella and Skylar found bedding on sale.

"That's um, colorful," Jake said.

"Dibs on the leopard skin," Holden said, grabbing it.

"I like it," Chase said, holding up a garish pink, yellow and black sheet set. "It's hip and trendy." He winked at Ella, who smiled.

"Study hard, kiddies, and next semester we can buy a chess table," Ella said.

"I'll try to contain my excitement," Raven said.

"Hey, chess is cool," Ezra said. "Just because you're a moron ... "

Raven grinned at him. "You think you can beat me without cheating? You're on, smart boy. You and me, the library. Now."

"Your brother's got a big mouth," Holden said to Skylar. "Raven's gonna mop the floor with him."

"Oooh, I hope so," she said.

He laughed.

They all piled into the taxi.

Could Be Worse

The house they had rented had originally been a dormitory for the adobe mission across the street. It was next door to an abandoned building that looked like it had been built by the military.

The house was large but practically empty, with a barely functional kitchen, a bathroom that was modernized about twenty years ago, and rotting and holey floorboards in the eight upstairs bedrooms. It had a central courtyard that was open to the sky, and like the building across the street was made of white adobe.

"Hey," Spencer said, "at least it has a roof."

Chase thought this was very funny and painted a house sign that said just that.

12 Mission Way
At Least It Has a Roof

About Raven . . .

Skylar definitely did NOT want to share housing with any of her brothers once she got to college, but as it turned out she and Ezra ended up in the same rented house. She just hoped college would be enough of a distraction for him that he would let up on his endless teasing.

And living in this house definitely had its compensations. Cute boys wherever she looked. Jake Hourvitz was devastating, Holden du Maurier looked like a rock star, Chase Delacroix might not be all that cute but he was super cool, and nice. And Spencer Kane ... if she had her way she'd marry that boy someday. He'd been cute in highschool, but now ... oooh baby.

Ella, Jake's twin, was really nice. She and Skylar hit it off right away.

But Raven du Maurier ...

Skylar wasn't sure what to think of her.


"Aren't you afraid you're going to scare all the boys away with that outfit?" Ella asked Raven.

Raven raised an eyebrow. "Why would I want to date a wimp?" The outfit in question was leather, with a top that almost wasn't there. That, and her goth makeup and new haircut, made Raven look like one tough cookie.

"Uh, good point, I guess," Ella said with a shrug.

"Ella, you spend too much time caring what other people think," Raven said. "Live a little." She walked away with a sway of her hips. Ella noticed Spencer's eyes following her.

Great, Ella thought. Just what I need. Competition from my own aunt.

Chip Off the Old Block

"You OK, Pet?" Spike sat down next to London, who'd been sitting on the couch for the past hour, staring at nothing.

"What? Oh. Yes, no, I don't know, Spike."

"You knew this day would come, London."

"I know. I know. It's just ... so hard. Our son is old, Spike. My baby boy is an old man."

"We could have another."

"Bite your tongue." But she smiled.

"Yeah, I guess we've got the grandbabies to worry about now. That Raven's really something. Takes after you, I think."

"No, Spike, she takes after YOU. Holden's more like me. He's got a least a little common sense."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes," she said, grinning. "Raven is a chip off the old Spikey block. She's more of a terror than Max ever dreamed of being."

Spike smiled. "Yeah. Gonna make me proud, that one."

The Irony of Age

"Hello, Jordan," Porter said.

She looked up to see her pale handsome brother standing in the doorway to the library of her country home. The sun had gone down a hour before. Putting down her book, she went to him and gave him a hug.

"I'm glad you came."

"Your hair is gray," he said, looking sad.

"Yep." She fluffed it with her hands. "I'm an old lady now."

"Hardly. You're only as young as you feel, or so I've been told."

"You should know."

"Are you sure this is the path you want?" he asked. "I could ... "

She held up her hand. "Don't be silly, Porter. Alec and I would be miserable as vampires. Besides, I'm excited about this new adventure."

He opened his mouth to say something but she said, "Don't get me wrong. I'm not in a hurry to shuffle off this mortal coil, and believe me there are things I miss about being twenty, but there's a lot I don't miss, too. So stop looking so sad. You chose your path, I've chosen mine."

He took her hands in his. "You were always so much wiser than I, Jordan."

She stared at him in shock.

"Don't look at me like that. You know it's true. I took on the weight of the world while you refused to. You'll never be old because you never let life get to you. I'll always be old, because I did."

"How very ironic," she said. "Have some cake."

Sam Plays Mom

"So you're dating vampires now?" Sam asked when Henry got home.

"What, you prejudiced against vamps or something?" Henry asked. "I thought your aunts were vamped."

"They are. It's not that. It's just ... be careful, OK?"

Henry kissed the top of her head. "OK, Mom."

He went to do his homework.

Sam stood and watched him go. She wondered if she'd ever get over this crush she had on him.

Bursting With Parents

Ivan and Henry felt a little awkward around each other, but managed to hide it behind being busy college students. Still, inevitably, they found themselves in the study room one day at the same time, doing homework.

"So," Henry said. "You're my brother."

"I guess so," Ivan said.


"Kind of weird, isn't it."

"Yes, yes it is," Henry said. "How's Dad?"

"I thought you two keep in touch."

"We do, sort of. But if we were really in touch you and I would have met, wouldn't we."

"I guess you're right. He's fine. He's kind of, I don't know, down, a lot. Jack's really more like my dad, to tell you the truth. And, I've got two moms."

"So you're just bursting with parents," Henry teased.

"Yup. Lucky me," Ivan said, laughing. "You try sneaking out at night with five grownups watching your every move."


"Jack's married."

"Ah." Henry smiled. "I guess I got lucky, then. I've only got the two."

"I'd say so," Ivan said.

Congratulations, Idiot

"So you do still live here," Henry said, a few days later. "Ivan said you left but I said, no, no, I think his stuff is still here."

"Har de har, Henry." Tristan went to the fridge and started stuffing his face. "I'm starving. Is this all we have?"

"Talk to Riley about buying groceries. We made him get a job."

Tristan almost choked on his food. "Good for you. I have news, too."

"I know. We all know. You're no longer a v--"

Tristan socked him and they rolled on the ground, laughing. "No, dumb ass," Tristan said. "I'm getting married."

"Married?" Henry said. "You've known the girl less than a year. Are you out of your mind?"

"You might say that," Tristan said. "I just know what I like."

"Wow," Henry said. "But I know what Dad's gonna say."

"What's that?"

"What's your rush, that's what. You've got three more years of college, little brother. Are you nuts?"

"Yep." Tristan grinned. "Aren't you going to congratulate me?"

"Right after I have your head examined."

Tristan socked him again, and Henry gave him a noogie. "Congratulations, you big fat idiot," he said.

A Date at the Crab Shack

"I wanted to take you somewhere nice for our first date," Tristan said. "But Riley ... "

"It's OK," Jaden said. "I like the crab shack. It's homey."

"It's rotting."

She laughed. "It's OK, Tristan. I know you had this perfect vision, but like, let it go already."

He smiled. "OK. Having you here makes it perfect, anyway."

She blushed. "Yeah, yeah ..."

"You don't like compliments, do you."

"Not really, no."

He kissed her hand. "Well, you'd better get used to them."

"I could get used to being with you," she said.

Their eyes met and suddenly neither one was very hungry for crab. They got up from the table and walked out of the restaurant. He pushed her up against the wall as they kissed each other, hungrily, not caring who walked by.

When they finally came up for air he said, "Let's go home."

"Good idea," she said, breathless.

They hurried to the car.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Scientific Progress

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Henry said to Tristan, "but didn't everyone get straight A's last semester?"

"As far as I know. Why, what's up?"

"We're broke," Henry said. "I tried to buy groceries and our bank card was refused."

"That's not possible," Tristan said, staring at his brother. "We had over $10,000 simoleans in there."

Their eyes met as comprehension dawned.


They found him in his workshop, where he usually was once he'd made the grade for the term, furiously working on a cleanbot.

"We need to talk to you," Henry said.

"Later, guys, I'm right in the middle of --- HEY!"

They picked him up by the elbows, no easy feat since he'd gotten fat from being all study and no recreation, unless you counted the robots.

"Riley, we are broke," Tristan said. "Any idea how that might have happened?"

"We're BROKE?" Hunter said. "How in the ... those stupid robots." She poked Riley in the chest. "I was saving money for new things we needed around here, buster. Like sheets and a decent game machine. For everyone to use. Not just you."

"Hey, that hurts."

"Would you rather I did it?" Henry asked, mildly.

"Oh, no, that's ... that's OK."

"No more robots, Riley. Hand over the key."

"What key?"

"We know you lock the door. Hand it over and no one gets hurt."

"But ... "

"Hand it over," said Tristan, "or find a new place to live, you selfish git."

Riley pouted, but handed over the key. "I hope you know you're standing in the way of scientific progress," he said.

"Yeah, yeah," Henry said.


"So, who did he want to know about?" Julia asked, sitting down next to Jack on the couch.

"Audrey Platz."

"Audrey? That monster who put you in the hospital?"

"Looks like she killed someone. Two someones, if the rumors are right."

"I hope you told him what you know."

"Are you nuts?" Jack pulled back to look at his wife. "Of course I didn't."

"So she's just going to get away with murder? That's wrong, Jack."

"I don't care. That's not important. What's important to me is you, and Rebecca."

"But ... "

"But nothing. There were witnesses on that roof, Julia. Sheldon's men saw you push him, no matter what the police believe. The only reason you're not in jail is we kept our mouths shut about what happened that night. Audrey has something on you, something big. That's one nasty woman and we're staying as far away from her as possible."

"It just doesn't seem fair," Julia said, leaning against him. "What about those two people?"

"They don't care, Julia. They're dead. We're not. Let's keep it that way, OK? If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life isn't fair."

"I wish it wasn't so complicated."

"It isn't. We go on with our lives, she gets to go on with hers. I'm a big believer in karma. One of these days, she's going to get what's coming to her."

"You think so?"

"I know so, baby. One of these days Audrey's going to cross the wrong person."

Welcome to Police Work

In the end, we had to close the case. I knew there was more than anyone was saying but my boss felt different.

"We get new evidence, we reopen it," he said. "Meanwhile, we've got a backlog of cases taller than my house and it just keeps growing. I've heard a rumor there's a new crime boss in town and I've got a drug bust I need you to spearhead."

"So that's it. She just gets off."

"Sometimes that's the way it goes, Sullivan." He handed me a stack of files. "Welcome to the wonderful world of police work."

I sighed and trudged back to my office.

I'd swear on grandpop's grave that Audrey did them both.

Maybe one day I'd get to prove it.


Irfan Platz had a mistress, but as far as I could tell he'd had dozens. I almost felt sorry for Audrey. What a lot to put up with. But then I remembered that she'd just been after the guy's cash. So maybe she got what she deserved.

The latest mistress was a college student. Yeesh. I went to interview her a couple of days later.

She was a pretty blonde named Nerissa. She denied everything. "I'm no one's bimbo," she said, tossing her hair.

"I didn't say you were. But rumors have it that you were seeing Platz."

"Well, the rumors were wrong." Was it just me, or was she frightened? I wondered if Audrey had gotten to her.

"I see. Well, thank you for your time," I said. "Oh, one more thing, what do you think of Audrey Platz?"

She blanched. "Who? I've never heard of her."

Liar, I thought.

David and Olivia

Olivia looked up from putting the baby to bed and her eyes grew wide. "Bad day?"

"Not until I got home."

She put her hand on my shoulder. "Honey, if they bother you that much, we can ask them to leave."

"I just did. Not sure it'll work."

"I just ... " she shut up.

"You just what."

"I just think you've got some things to resolve, is all. Maybe this is a good opportunity."

"Livvy, they're opportunistic leeches. They were terrible parents and I think they're a bad influence on Fisher." I touched her face. She looked so sad. "Honey, I know it's hard for you to understand this. You've got terrific parents who were always there for you. They're still there for your sister now that she needs them. They're good people. Alice and Chuck just aren't."

She sighed.

"I need to go to the gym," I said. "See you later?"

"OK. Hurry back, though. I missed you."

David and Chuck

"So," my dad was saying to Castor as I got out of the car, "it's a good opportunity, is all. Think it over."

Castor rolled his eyes. "Chuck, you must think I was born yesterday." He turned and went inside.

"Dad," I said. "Knock it off."

"What do you mean?"

"The scheming. The wheeling and dealing. Castor and Zaire are basically rocket scientists. You're not going to fool them, just annoy them. And even if you could, I'm telling you, knock it the hell off."

"Or what? You going to arrest me? My son, the big time cop."

I stood very close to him and he backed up, looking a little afraid.

"This is my family now. I don't want you here. You and Mom can pack up and leave anytime. You won't be missed."

"How can you ... "

"Save it, Dad. You were never there for me, why should I be there for you? The only reason you're still here is Castor and Zaire are willing to put up with you. You blow that, you're on your own. Capeesh?"

"You ungrateful little ... "

It was all I could do to keep from hitting him. "One week. You've got one week and then you're out on your ass. You and Mom."

I turned and walked inside, shaking with anger. I hated that he could still do that to me. I needed to hit something.

David Visits the Compound by the Sea

Jack Sawyer lived in a nice home by the sea in Bluewater Village. It looked like one of those cabins you might rent if you had a lot of money. There was even a swimming pool.

A pretty woman was playing with a toddler in the front yard when I pulled up. She looked up with a start and frowned. She picked up the little girl and clutched her to her chest, like she was afraid I was going to take her away. The kid squirmed.

"Hello," I said politely. "Is Jack Sawyer home?"

"What do you want with him?"

"He's not in trouble, Ma'am." I knew Jack used to play on the wrong side of the law, but I'd also heard he'd gone legit, if being a professional partier could be called legit. "I need to ask him some questions about an old acquaintance of his, is all."

She relaxed visibly. "I'm his wife," she said. "He's inside. I'll take you to him."

"So, Audrey's in trouble with the law," Jack said. "Why am I not surprised." We were sitting in the small living room of the smaller of the two houses. Julia had excused herself to put the baby to bed.

"I've heard a rumor she worked for Sheldon Mack," I said. "Would you know anything about that?"

"I don't want trouble," Jack said, looking uneasy. He looked like a guy who life hadn't treated all that kindly, a lot like the friends my dad used to bring home after a long day's thuggery. He had premature wrinkles in his thin face and his hair was greying at the temples. But he had a nice haircut and nice clothes, and as far as I could tell, a nice life now. Good for you, Jack, I thought.

"I just asked a question."

"Don't play innocent with me," Jack said with a snort. "I invented that game. You want me to name names because you know I used to run with that crowd. I'm not going to do it."

"What do you think of Audrey?" Asking Jack about his past was off topic anyway.

"How do you mean?"

"General impressions."

"I'm not fond of her, if that's what you mean. She dumped me for Irfan. He was her meal ticket. I'd say if you're after her for murdering him you should look to see who was threatening that ride. He was frankly worth more to her alive than dead, unless she was about to get the boot."

"Interesting." I stood up. "If you think of anything else that might be helpful ... "

"I'll be honest," he said. "I don't like cops. No offense."

"None taken. Don't you live with two cops?"

"That's different. They're family."

He showed me to the door.

David Asks Tiffany Some Questions

I decided to start with Audrey's last known residence, a tenement building on the wrong side of the tracks. Olivia's cousin Milo lived here. I'd helped her and her husband move in, all the way to the third floor. Good thing the place had an elevator.

So I'd met the landladies before. I'd heard they used to be vampires, but they seemed perfectly normal now. Tiffany Sampson set me down on her nice leopard-print couch and offered me a cup of tea.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I don't remember your name."

"David Sullivan," I said. "I'm married to Olivia Nova. No reason you should remember me."

"Oh, believe me, I do, just not the name," she said. She was an attractive woman but I don't play that way so I got down to business.

"I don't know if you heard, but Audrey Platz's husband and housemate both died recently."

"Really." Tiffany's pretty lips pursed up like a lemon. "How interesting."

"What do you think of Mrs. Platz?"

"Honestly? I can't stand her. If anyone I know is capable of murder, it's her."

"What makes you say that?"

"She's just ... cold. She dumped Jack Sawyer like a hot potato when Irfan came sniffing around. She was in it for the money. I'd heard rumors that Irfan was playing around, big time. He came on to me once or twice when she was still living here."

"Is that so."

"Yes. But I didn't like him so I gave him the brush off. Doesn't mean other women did."

"Where does Jack Sawyer live now?"

She gave me the address.

David Asks Questions

"So explain to me again what happened," I said. I'd spent the past fifteen minutes interviewing Audrey Platz and I knew in my gut she was lying. The dame exuded all the warmth of a barracuda, but that wasn't why. I just knew somehow that I wasn't getting the unvarnished truth.

"I'd just gotten home," she said through crocodile tears. "It was quiet. My son had gone to bed and there was no sign of Heidi. She likes, I mean liked," she sobbed unconvincingly, "to drink. I'd often spoken to her about it. I got worried so I checked the swimming pool. That's when I saw her. There was blood ... I tried to pull her out but I couldn't reach her. I called 911 and jumped in after her."

It seemed like it could be true. She was wet, hair dripping, shivering under a blanket. Jumping into a pool filled with someone else's blood had to be hard on anyone. I decided to try another tack.

"How long has she been living here?"

"Since my son was an infant, so I guess, oh, fourteen years?"

"That's a long time for a houseguest."

"She wasn't a guest. She paid her own way."

"You don't look like you need boarders," I said, looking around the elegant living room of her modern mansion.

"We didn't. She was an old friend of my husband's." She started to cry, and this time I bought it. "I'm sorry. With his sudden death and now this ... "

"I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Platz," I said, standing up. "We're done for now. Just ... don't leave town, OK?"

"You can't possibly suspect me, Detective Sullivan," she said with a gasp.

Oh, yes, I could. But all I said was, "This investigation isn't over yet, is all. You're our key witness."

"But surely it's obvious that she'd just had too much to drink again."

"We won't know anything until the inquest. Good night, ma'am."

I left, glad to be out of that creepy house. Something about this all seemed too easy. Two deaths in two weeks.

I decided it was time to start asking around town why Audrey Platz might have wanted both of them dead. Was it possible that Heidi and Irfan had been more than just friends?

Birth Announcements

Birth announcement in the Porta de Luca Times

Morgan and Mallory Delacroix welcome a baby boy, Scout Delacroix, to their family. Scout has two older siblings, Hunter and Chase. Mother and child are doing well.

Selena and Random McKenna became the parents of a son, Emmet McKenna. The couple also have an older son, Spencer Kane.

Heidi and Audrey

"Yes," Heidi said that night when Audrey got home late. "What did happen to Irfan, Audrey?" She sat in a chaise lounge by the pool and it was clear she'd been drinking.

"The doctors can't explain it, you know that," Audrey snapped.

"Oh, but I think I can," Heidi said, rising unsteadily to her feet. "You couldn't stand to lose your meal ticket. He'd just gotten that big, fat, bonus, and a cute blonde mistress and you weren't about to go back to being the trailer trash you really are."

"So that's what you think," Audrey said.


"How very interesting," she said, and pushed her into the pool. Heidi hit her head on the side as she fell and landed face down, floating in a slowly seeping cloud of blood. "Nighty night, you lush."

New Sheriff in Town

"Uh, we're getting tired of you two, like bickering all the time?" said the surfer dude thug. "So, we like, decided on who we want to have for a leader and stuff."

"Who?" Audrey and Heidi said in unison.

"Him," he said, and the small group of henchmen parted to let someone through.

"Move over, ladies," said Antonio Nova. "There's a new sheriff in town."

"Antonio," Audrey said, sidling up to him. "I'm so glad we have a big strong man in charge now."

"Save it, Audrey," Antonio said. "You're old enough to be my mother."

"I am not!"

"Audrey, I dated your niece in college, remember?"

"There's something to be said for a woman with experience, you know," she said, batting her eyelashes.

"Just not sure what kind of 'experience' you're referring to."

"Why, whatever do you mean?"

"How's Irfan?" Antonio said, and moved away.

"Irfan died of a painful wasting disease, you horrible man," Audrey said, managing to shed some tears. "How dare you insinuate otherwise."

"Funny how quickly it came on," Antonio said. "Let's just say I won't be accepting any invitations to dinner."

"Ooh!" Audrey raised her hand to slap him and he caught her wrist in an iron grip.

"I'm going to say this one time, Audrey. You're finished in this town. I'm in charge. You play nice, I let you keep your job, your freedom and your scawny neck. Mess with me and you'll wish you'd never been born."

She stared at him.

"Are we clear?"

"Yes," she said, quietly.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, sir."

He let go of her arm. "That's better."

Irfan's Sudden Disease

"Mother! Come quick! There's something wrong with Father!"

Victor was supposed to be out. She had timed it so perfectly. What was he doing home? She hurried to the bedroom.

Irfan was holding his throat, gasping for breath. Victor was crying and trying to get his father to his feet. "We've got to get you to a doctor," he said.

Irfan gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head, and then he collapsed on the floor and died.

Audrey held her son as he wept.

The Bimbo

Audrey came home from work and went straight to the shower. She pulled on her nightgown and headed upstairs. She was beat. Working all night really took it out of a girl, especially when she wasn't exactly a girl anymore.

Things had been in an uproar since Sheldon's death. She and Heidi had been vying for top dog for a while now, but neither was making any headway. And her home life wasn't exactly peaceful, either. Irfan talked a good game but he was about as faithful as an alleycat. And living with Heidi meant her work came home with her.

Thank goodness for Victor, her darling son. He had turned into quite a handsome teenager, although he had his father's prominent nose. Audrey adored her son, and she knew he looked up to her.

She heard voices. She opened the bedroom door to see Irfan kissing a blonde woman she didn't know. Their clothing was mussed.

"Irfan," she said.

They looked up.

"This is Nerissa, Audrey. Get used to having her around," he said, and the two of them left the room, giggling.

So that was it. Audrey had worked too long and put up with too much to get where she was to let some blonde bimbo take it all away from her. She could see the writing on the wall.

She knew what she had to do.

Izzy's Zoo

Isadora came home carrying a crow who had broken its wing. She had wrapped it in her new sweater and it rested calmly in her arms. Animals instinctively trusted her. Her eyes were full of tears.

"Can we save it, Daddy?"

Max took the injured bird from her and laid it on the table. It squawked and tried to peck him. Izzy soothed its feathers while her father inspected the wing.

"It doesn't look too bad," he said. "Avery, can you get the first aid kit?"

"Another animal?" Zane groaned. "Why don't we just open a zoo?"

Izzy looked at her twin, hurt. "You want me to just let it die?"

"That's the way of nature, Iz," he said. "Sometimes you just have to let it take its course."

"Zane, you're not helping," Max said, seeing the stricken look on his teenaged daughter's face. "Why don't you get the crow some water."

"I'm just saying, is all," Zane muttered, but went to do as his father asked.

Teasing Sarah

Sarah came in from the backyard, all red faced. "Do NOT go on the back yard," she warned her older siblings, twins Jake and Ella.

"Grandma and Grandpa in the hot tub again?" Jake asked with a wink. Jordan and Alec may have been approaching elder, but that hadn't cooled their ardor for one another.

Sarah covered her face with her hands. "They're OLD! They shouldn't be ... you know ... "

"Horny?" Ella asked.

Sarah blushed even deeper and covered her ears. "I'm not listening!"

She ran up to her room.

Jake punched his twin sister playfully on the arm. "We really shouldn't tease her," he said.

"But it's so much fun," she said, punching him back.

Advice from Uncle Spike

"Ariel," Spike said. "Long time no see. And my what a lovely skintone you have."

"Spike, I need some advice."

"So you came to me? I'm flattered, Pet. What can I do for you? Come, sit down. Take a load off, all that."

Ariel sat down on the lip-shaped couch, which had definitely seen better days. "I'm not sure I made the right decision."

"Going vamp, you mean."

"Yes. I know it's what Raj really wanted, and ... "

"You let that sway you."

"Well, yes. I love him very much. It's just ... "

"You aren't sure the undead thing is for you."

"Yes." Ariel looked miserable, so Spike gave her a hug.

"Want to know what I think?"

"Yes, please."

"You think too much."

She looked at him.

"All you brainy types are alike. You overanalyze everything. You love the bloke, you want to be with him, you did what you had to do. Move forward, embrace the battiness."

She laughed. "But ... "

"Look at it this way, Ariel. You give it a fair shot. You don't like it, well, there's always your friend Mr. Potion. In the meantime, you should have a little fun." He grinned at her.

"I'm not sure I remember how. I feel like I've spent a lot of time doing what was expected."

"Instead of what you wanted to do. Tell you what. We'll get started right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever take a ride on a Ducati?"

Another Baby

"Another baby?" he sat down, hard, on the couch.

"Sorry," she said.

"Hey, hey, now," he said, seeing the expression on her face. He took her hands and pulled her down next to him. "It's not like you did this by yourself."

She put her head on his shoulder. "I'm not sure I want another baby, but looks like we don't have a choice."

"Well, that settles it," he said.

"Settles what?"

"We're getting married as soon as possible. We need to talk to Spencer, and then ... how do you feel about eloping?"

"Sounds good to me," she said.

They went to look for their son.

Not Again . . .

When they got home they couldn't wait to share the happy news but the house was in an uproar. Television reporters blocked the entrance to their house, and when they tried to get in the cameras were turned on them.

"Look! It's Random McKenna! Mr. McKenna, care to comment on the fact that the critics say your latest play is a flop?"

"No, I don't. Get off my lawn," he snarled, holding Selena protectively as they fought their way through.

"Care to comment on your mother's retirement from show biz, Ms. Kane? Rumor has it she's ill."

"Leave her alone," Random said, slamming the door behind them. "What's this all about?" he said.

Morgan and Mallory looked up from a quiet conference on the couch. "I quit the police force," she said. "Turns out half the cops in my department are crooked." She stood up. "I'd better go make a statement."

"Are you sure you're up to it?" Mallory asked.

"Mallory, I'm pregnant, not feeble," she said. "I think I can handle it."

"Pregnant?" Selena mouthed.

Mallory nodded, smiling, as he followed his wife out to meet the press.

"Wow," Selena said. "One in college, one in highschool and one on the way."

"Be glad it's not us," Random said, kissing her.

"Uh, Random? There's something I've been meaning to tell you ... "

Time Together

Now that Spencer was a teenager Selena and Random had more time for each other. They went on dates, went grocery shopping together, held hands on long walks and got to know each other better than ever before.

Random finally told her about the faeire queen, and she was indignant on his behalf. "That's just wrong," she said. After a pause, she asked, "are you sorry?"

"For what?"

"For the way things turned out. You and me. Spencer."

"Of course not."

"It's just ... "

"What, Selena?"

"Sometimes I look at you and you've got this panicked look on your face, like you'd like to run."

He said nothing for a while.

"Here's the restaurant," she said, quietly. They sat across from each other and read their menus in silence.

"I won't lie to you," he said finally. "This isn't how I expected my life to turn out. But you and Spencer are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I want you to know that I'm happy with things just the way they are."

"Me, too," she said. "All of it."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box. "I've been carrying this around for weeks, waiting for the right moment." He opened the box. "Selena, will you marry me?"

Something Even Better

"You want to know what the best thing about college is?" Hunter asked when they came up for air.

"Making out by the mailbox?"

She hit him. "No curfew."

He smiled and scooped her off her feet.

"Ivan, what are you doing?" she said. "Put me down."

"Nope," he said. "You just reminded me of something even better."

He carried her off in search of a bed.

Tristan Goes to College

Freshman year flew by, and the next year Tristan, Ivan and Hunter joined the others at the Adobe Mission.

Tristan wandered in from the taxi carrying his bag. The first person he saw was Jaden, playing the drums. She was completely unaware of him. She was really whaling on them, and he just stood and watched her.

She looked up suddenly and put down her sticks. "Hey," she said.

"Hey," he said, grinning. "There are two people making out by the mailbox."

"What else is new?" she said, rolling her eyes.

He laughed. "I'm Tristan."

"Jaden. You want me to show you your room?"

"Yeah," he said, "that would be nice."